Friday, April 8, 2011

April 8, 2011

Taylor presented today and she did her project on Homer. She didn't do a PowerPoint, she found a shortened version of one of Homer's stories, The Odyssey. Odysseus even blinded a cyclops, and then he had an affair with a witch goddess who put a spell on him, his wifes name was Penelope. They had a son together named Telemachus. Then Billy presented and he did the Hellenic Age. Alexander mixed Greek and non-Greeks together to make babies. The Hellenistic Age started when Alexander died and lasted for 200 years. Then Sara went and she did The Parthenon. The Parthenon was dedicated to the goddess, Athena. It is located in Athens and is still there today. It was built on the Acropolis, the highest hill in the city. Some of the Parthenon is destroyed because of an explosion that occurred when they were fighting the Venetians. Pericles was the one who decided to build the Parthenon. Then Clark went and he did Advances in Math and Science. Euclid and Pythagoras made breakthroughs in math by coming up with basic rules and theorems. Archimedes discovered facts about volume, and levers and pullies. Plato taught people about the world being constructed with geometric simplicity. Plato also taught people about the stars and the planets. Catherine did hers on pottery. Pottery was made fro everyday use, and they were made out of clay and then placed it in a fire. When people went different places they introduced new pottery. During the Dark Age pottery was not made very often because economic times were so bad. Gracie did hers on poetry and she explained how it was used to explain historical events and rules. People sometimes played the Lyre which is close to a guitar. One type of poem was an epic and that is a longer piece of literature like The Odyssey. Then Cristy went and she did The Trial of Socrates. The trial took place in Athens in 399 BC. The people turned to Socrates for help because he was very critical. He was arrested because he refused to acknowledge the gods and he introduced new divinities. He was later executed and found guilty.

Taylor: B+

  1. Did Odysseus's wife remain truthful to him? (not cheat on him)
  2. What mountain was Odysseus stuck on?
  3. Who found Odysseus sailing home?
Billy: B or C
  1. When did the Hellenistic Age start?
  2. How long did it last and when did it end?
  3. What did Alexander do that was a big deal?
Sara: B+
  1. Who was The Parthenon dedicated to?
  2. Who built The Parthenon?
  3. Where is it located?
Clark: A
  1. What did Euclid and Pythagoras make breakthroughs in?
  2. What did Plato teach?
  3. What did Archimedes discover?
  1. What did they make their pots out of?
  2. After molding it where did it go?
  3. What was the time called when the economy crashed?
Gracie: A
  1. Why was poetry used?
  2. What did people play during poetry?
  3. What is an example of an epic?
Cristy: A
  1. Why was Socrates arrested?
  2. What made the people turn towards Socrates?
  3. Was Socrates guilty? If so, did he die?

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