Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April 26, 2011

  1. How did geography help Rome?
Geography helped Rome because they are located near the Mediterranean Sea which allows them to be able to trade with other countries and distribute water to their citizens. Rome also has mountains throughout their country which is helpful in keeping other countries army's out, but it can also cause problems when farming.

    2. Why was each of the following groups important to Rome's development?

A. Latins were important to the development of Rome because they made handspun clothing. Also, they were pretty quiet and reserved so they didn't disturb people and they kept with themselves.

B. The Greeks were important because they brought Italy/ all of Rome closer with Greece and the Greek Civilization.

C. The Etruscans were important because they were very civilized and had a writing system. Also, several of Rome's kings were Etruscans.

   3. What were the values of early Rome Society?
Early Romans were Polytheists. Polytheists had many different roles. The had to protect the household, grain supply, and various other jobs. The Polytheists believed in the gods for answers and they believed that if they slaughtered an animal and read the liver then it would interpret the will of the gods. They were very focused on being strong and loyal.

  4a. How was the Roman household organized?
The oldest man was in charge of the house, therefore he could make an decision he wanted that had to do with the family. For example if he wanted to he could sell anyone in the family, or kill any of them. He also decided what he could do with the land. Also, the woman would clean and cook and take care of the house, but she was well respected.

  4b. What freedom did the women have in their family and society?
Women were in charge of the daily running of the household. Women in Rome had more freedom then women in Athens and other countries around them. Woman could own their own property  but could not vote.

  5. How was the army linked to Roman society?
Every male citizen served in the army and they fought in a legion. Legions were separated in 60 groups and were more effect then the Phalanx because they were more 'flexible'.


  1. republic-a state in which the supreme power rests in the body ofcitizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them
  2. pater familias- was the head of a Roman family. The term is Latin for "father of the family" or the "owner of the family estate"
  3. toga- loose outer garment worn by citizens in public, white
  4. patrician- a person of noble or high rank; aristocrat
  5. plebian- "of the common people"
  6. legion- a division of the roman army usually comprising to 3000 to 6000 soldiers
  1. Italy- a country located in south central Europe, to the south it consists entirely of the Italian Peninsula, Sicily, and Sardinia
  2. Rome- the capital city of Italy and was founded by Romulus
  3. Romulus- one of the twin brothers and he wanted to build a new city on the Palatine Hill
  4. Palatine Hill- the centermost of the seven hills of rome and is one of the most ancient parts of the city
  5. Alps- one of the mountain ranges in Europe, stretching from Austria and Slovenia in the east through Italy, Switzerland and in the west to Germany and France
  6. Tiber River- the third longest river in Italy, rising in the Apennine mountains
  7. Appennine Mountains- mountain ranging consisting parallel smaller chains extending along the length of the peninsular Italy.
  8. Latins- the original Latins were an Italian tribe in habiting central and south-central Italy
  9. Etruscans- modern english name given to a civilization of ancient Italy in the area corresponding roughly to Tuscany (they had a unique language)
  10. Forum- small and rectangular, surrounded by the ruins of an ancient government buildings at the center of Rome
  11. Century- smallest unit of the roman army 4,000 people split into 40 centuries

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