Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April 6, 2011

Today in class Kamau and Fiona presented their projects. Kamau did his on Sparta and he explained how important their army was to them, without a strong army their city state would have been nothing. At the age of 7 boys were taken away from their families against their will and sent to go train to be in the army. They were very strict and had to work out alot so they could become physically and mentally strong. Also, the woman in Sparta were treated very well compared to the women in Athens. They had alot more freedom and privledges. Fiona did her project on The Peloponessian War. She talked about the battles and it was between Athens and Sparta. At the end of her powerpoint she played a video on YouTube of a guy that made a song on The Peloponessian War which was actually pretty good.


  1. Did the spartan girls have rough lives when they were younger like the boys did?
  2. What did they eat?
  3. Did they ever kill them during training?
  1. Where did the Peloponessian War start?
  2. How many battles were there?
  3. What leaders fought in the first Battle of the Peloponessian War?

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