Thursday, April 7, 2011

April 7, 2011

Alyssa did her project on Ancient Greek Army, she explained how they wore alot of heavy and expensive armor. They also fought in a special formation, the soldiers were called Hoplites.  Most of the people fought with 8 foot long spears or swords. They walked in a Phalanx formation which was in a square formation that worked out really well instead of chaos. The Battle of Issus was between Macedonia and the Persian Empire and it took place in 333 B.C. and Alexander won the battle and from there took Egypt. I give Alyssa an A, I give Kamau a B, and I give Fiona an A. Caitlin had Ancient Greek Drama which included alot of dancing, singing, and acting. They had the prolouge, a speech, and the final acts. Only men were allowed to participate in plays and Thespis was the first poet to ever use actors. I also give Caitlin an A.


  1. What formation did they fight in?
  2. What was their armor made out of?
  3. How many wives did Alexander have?
  1. What were the 3 parts of the play?
  2. Could women participate in the plays?
  3. Who was the first poet to use actors?

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