Thursday, April 14, 2011

April 14, 2011

Today in class we talked about and watched the movie Alexander. Alexander's dad was Philip II of Macedonia but his mom tried to tell Alexander that his real dad was Achilles. By the age of 20 Alexander was the king of Macedonia.

  1. Alexander gets a horse named Bucephalus who is strong & stubborn
  2. Alexander's mom Olympias didn't get along with her husband Philip
  3. Philip had many mistresses which made Olympias mad
  4. At The Battle of Guagamela Alexander wanted revenge 
  5. 40,000 vs. 250,000
  6. Alexander wants to kill Darius at the battle
  7. Alexander used the Phalanx formation
  8. Alexander couldn't get Philip at the battle because he had to stay with his army

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