Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 16, 2011- Extra Notes on the video

Cleisthinese took rule in 508 B.C.

  1. Born in 570 B.C.
  2. Was an aristocrat (high up in hierarchy)
  3. Athens was built around the acropolis
Greece was divided into city states
Traveling bards traveled through towns and cities and told stories
The Iliad (Trojan Wars) and The Odyssey (Adventures of coming home from the Trojan War) were the most told stories
Homer was a blind person who read and sang stories
Pisistratus was Cleisthinese brother in law and he was also a tyrant
The girl Pisistratus was with claimed to be Athena
Pisistratus was extremely intelligent, he understood that if he wanted to stay in control that he has to find allies. he first turned to the common people, he cut back taxes and created loans
Grain, Swordfish, wine, gold, silver, art, and finery, were all products that people sold and traded
Pottery wasn't a big deal, but what was inside was important
527 B.C. Pisistratus died and his son Hippias took over
In 514 B.C. Hippias's brother was murdered and so he went to find the man and he tortured them, including the murderer's wife
The freedom that they had under Pisistratus was taken away by his son after he died, he did this because he thought people were out to get him
Cleisthinese decided that he wanted to over throw Hippias

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