Friday, March 11, 2011

March 11,2011

The Greeks Video

  1. The town of Athens was built around a rock and it allowed them to hold off their enemies
  2. Reading and writing was rare for the Athenians and their life expectancy was less than 15 years old
  3. Greece has too many mountains to seem to be a great empire
  4. Greece was divided into many city states
  5. Athens, Argos, Corinth, and Sparta were all city states
  6. The Spartans were raised to be soldiers, their live revolved around discipline and war
  7. The Spartans wore red to conceal their blood or their neighbors
  8. Cleisthinese, the ruler of Athens wanted his people to be free and successful
  9. Stories were a big part of Greece and Athens
  10. The Illiet and the Odyssey were huge stories back in ancient Greece and they are still preserved today
  11. Athena was the goddess of Athens and Cleisthinese brother in law, Psistratus was a ruler of Athens also
  12. Psistratus introduced free loans to people and slowly began to transform the city
  13. Olives were very useful and well grown in Greece, they invented olive oil and spread it to other countries
  14. The vase was the first great artistic legacy, but the potters were very low on the hierarchy
  15. Psistratus died and his son Hippias then became king 
  16. Hippias executed his brother's murderer and even tortured one of their wives to death
  17. Hippias was a tyrant and this caused problems because Cleisthinese wanted to overthrow him
  18. Olympia is where the Olympics were started, the Olympic games could be fought between two people of any class
  19. In the ancient Olympics the wrestled, boxed, and rode chariots, the real honor was that the winner would be known throughout Greece
  20. Isagoras sent a message to the Spartans to help him invade Athens
  21. Isagoras climbed the Acropolis in Athens with a few people and they stayed up there for 4 days until he was forced to surrender 
  22.  508 BC Athens defeated their invaders and they started to become more powerful
  23. The marathon was invented when a messenger had to run and inform someone that the Persian Empire was going to attack
  24. The Persian Empire stretched from India to Turkey
  25. The Athenians eventually slaughtered alot of the Persians in just one day
  26. Themistocles was an Athenian leader and had risen through democracy
  27.  Themistocles used huge ships that were very fast and useful
  28. The Athenians discovered silver in their territory
  29. The money that the got from silver was either to build a fleet against Persia or Eggia(a city state)
  30. Xerxes who ruled Persia built a huge army of about 2 million men marched towards Greece
  31. Themistocles burnt the temples in Salamis

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