Monday, May 16, 2011

May 16, 2011


  • Began Pax Romana- a period of peace and prosperity
  • Built roads, aqueducts (brought water to the cities)
  • Set up civil service to take care of the roads, the grain supply, and the postal service
  • Augustus died at age 76 in 14 AD and passed the power to Tiberius
  • Emperor when Jesus was born
Jesus and Paul
  • Jesus was a Roman citizen and a practicing Jew
  • At age 30 he began his ministry by preaching to the poor in the empire
  • Statements like "My kingdom is not of this world" made the Romans/ Jews nervous and they planned an execution
  • The governor of the Roman province of Judea Pontius Pilate sentenced Jesus to death by crucifixion 
  • The 4 canonical gospels explain his life
  • Jews think that Jesus did not fulfill all of the things it takes to be a Messiah
  • Paul is instrumental in telling the world about Jesus's life, death, resurrection, and message
  • He wrote many letter to people and they are part of the New Testament
  • Without Paul it is likely that Jesus would not be as famous as he is today and he wouldn't be the figure of the largest religion in the world
  • Jesus is the 3rd most influential person in history
  • Augustus's stepson and adopted son
  • He was a great general but he was a dark, somber, reclusive emperor
  • He referred to the senate as "men fit to be slaves"
  • Germanicus started out as Tiberius's ally but when he looked like h would succeed Tiberius he got paranoid and had Germanicus killed
  • He started off well, he gave bonuses to poor soldiers, declared treason trials a thing of the past, and made the government spending a matter of public record
  • Assassinated by his own aides in 41 AD at the age of 28
  • Slept with other mens wives, too much sex & spending, tried to make his horse a priest
  • Ostracized by his family because he had disabilities (limp, slight deafness, speech impediment, and probably had polio or cerebral palsy)
  • He conquered Britain; built roads, canals, and aqueducts and he renovated Circus Maximus and rebuilt it
  • Had an awful marriage to Messalina who was unfaithful to him and Claudius had one of the people in the senate killed for messing around with his wife
Religious Troubles
  • Christianity and Judaism were monotheistic which set them aside from other religions
  • Romans had many gods and the emperor was viewed as a god
  • 66 AD the Jews called the Zealots tried to rebel but Roman troops put hem down and burned their temple
  • The Western Wall today is still the holiest of all Jewish shrines
  • Half a million Jews died in the rebellion

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